Tuesday, May 11, 2010

L is for Loser

Loser is a book by Jerry Spinelli, it is one of the most well written books I have ever read, I read it first when I was five and have re-read it three times after that. It's a great book because of how it's written, it's really cool because it gives you a million different views of how things are.

Zinkoff, the main character, is kind of a weird kid, he was born with something in his stomach upside-down, so he throws up a lot. He is a nice kid but everybody thinks he's weird, like he's always the last to be picked for every sport and sometimes told the teams are even and told to leave. He is hard to describe really, the last time I read the book was last year so i don't remember the book to well, only the really significant ones that i cant say or else I'd ruin the book. If some one asked me what my favourite book is I'd have to say Loser, I didn't think it would be my favourite book when I looked at it just because of the title, so if you don't like being sad don't read this!

Life Lesson: You don't know how some one's life is at home, even if you think you do, so make their life better when they come to school